Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Katie ChimesKatie Chimes is a chi­ro­prac­tor and cur­rently lives in Lon­don. Fit­ness and Weight train­ing have always a pas­sion of hers and in 2012 she felt she was able to express that by enter­ing a cou­ple of shows.

Galaxy was her first and for her it was an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence. Since then she has entered a few more shows and has started to become more actively involved within the fit­ness indus­try again.

Sports and fit­ness is some­thing Katie has been actively involved in all of her life and is one area she has com­plete ded­i­ca­tion and deter­mi­na­tion. With fit­ness being one of the main pri­or­i­ties in her life, It is very rare to see Katie with­out a pair of train­ers nearby. Over the last 14 years Katie has worked with many dif­fer­ent peo­ple help­ing them to attain their health and fit­ness goals and also with patients to help them over­come ill­nesses. She likes to inspire and encour­age oth­ers to lead a healthy, bal­anced life and loves help­ing oth­ers wel­come fit­ness into their lives.

Katie is always work­ing on new ways to bet­ter her­self in a healthy way and is always open to new train­ing meth­ods, eat­ing plans and per­sonal devel­op­ment. Over the last two years she has made changes to her health with re-​introducing raw foods and higher amounts of fat into her diet. It has had such a pos­i­tive impact on her she wants to share this infor­ma­tion with others.

With any­thing in life, espe­cially fit­ness goals, con­sis­tency is the key to reach your goals and long-​term suc­cess. It’s amaz­ing what hard work, deter­mi­na­tion and con­sis­tency achieve.

Katie wants to con­tinue to push her­self and con­tin­ues to be in and around the fit­ness scene as fit­ness mod­el­ing is some­thing she would really like to get involved with as a side to her chi­ro­prac­tic career.

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