Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Professor Lianne McTavish teaches art history at the University of Alberta, but her passion outside the classroom is “looking hot while fighting the patriarchy” — bodybuilding. “At first I thought there would be nothing feminist about this process because it involves having a small waist and looking at your ass in the mirror and wondering what it looks like,” she told the National Post. “I thought, ‘This is anti-feminist.’ ” But now that McTavish is an accomplished bodybuilder herself, she has come to see the sport from another perspective, one that sees female bodybuilders as strong women who enjoy the challenge and sense of accomplishment, something she now writes about in her blog, feministfiguregirl.com.

Jamie Bell, an Ottawa teacher who recently competed in the World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation’s Quebec Championship, documented her body transformation on her blog, missjamiebell.blogspot.ca: “I am still in disbelief but am so proud of myself for actually finally accomplishing my goal of getting in the best shape of my life!” she writes. “This has been not only a huge physical journey, but an emotional,intellectual and slightly spiritual one as well!.” As the Canadian National Bodybuilding Championships take place in Edmonton this weekend, join our live chat with Lianne McTavish and Jamie Bell as we discuss feminism, bodybuilding and what it takes to look hot while fighting the patriarchy. Be a part of the discussion, Thursday at 1 p.m. ET.

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