Ab Region – A Problem Area for Women…
A woman’s pelvis consists of four bones (paired innominate bones, coccyx, and the sacrum) held together by ligaments. The size and shape of these bones have a tremendous impact on…
A woman’s pelvis consists of four bones (paired innominate bones, coccyx, and the sacrum) held together by ligaments. The size and shape of these bones have a tremendous impact on…
source femalemuscle.com training archives:
We thought the title of this website referred to some type of tuition plan, little did we know it was harboring strong and perhaps academically gifted females. Collegeflex.com, as posted…
Behind the scenes, getting ready for a show - excellent video
Female Bodybuilder - what more do we need to sy?
Rachael Wicker (1.29.08)...and she beats Paula Abdul