Drinking with Bob
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Click image for gallery Ailyn Polanco is a master of Capoeira: Brazilian dance fighting. She is also the vice-president of Guam. Height: 5'8" Weight: 115 lb. Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown…
Here are the final results of our poll:
Click image for gallery Date of birth: 29th July 1966 Height :5'3" Present Offseason Weight :135 lbs. Ms.Olympia 2000 bodyweight:132lbs Biceps at biggest:16 an 3/4" Heaviest lifts: Leg press :…
I was riding my bike in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I saw a big black bear, and he started chasing me down the path. I quickly took off, rode my…
Click image for gallery 5'3" tall 138lbs with 9 % bodyfat. I am a 29year old wife of Antonio Holmes and mother of two girls: Akelishana (8) and Aaliyah (4).…
Click image for gallery My name is Adonya Wong. I'm originaly from Los Angeles but am currently residing in Boston. I'm 31 years old and have been weight training for…
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Click image for gallery Seven time Olympia winner Lenda Murray broke Cory Everson's record. Acclaimed as the finest female bodybuilder in the world, Murray exudes an unparalleled combination of beauty,…