Julia Vins was born 21 May, 1996 in the city of Engels, Russia. One day the gorgeous girl felt she had to protect herself to feel confident, and she enthusiastically started visiting the gym. Julia has been powerlifting since September 2012 and now has one of the most impressive physiques in the industry. Her popularity continues to grow.
«Initially, I set a goal to become stronger, because I have absolutely no confidence in myself. At first, I just went to the gym, for a year worked without a program, and in September 2012 I had the opportunity to engage in powerlifting, and this year was fruitful enough, in terms of sporting achievement. I started going to the gym at my new school. There was only coach in powerlifting and kettle bell lifting. I did not like kettle bell lifting, because I wanted to harmoniously developed body. And I simply had no choice. I do what I want to see for myself, and this is my life. Also impossible to please everybody. There will always be people who respect my choice, or simply to adequately explain why they do not like, and unfortunate, that nothing in this life is achieved easily. I am following my dream.»