Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Valeriya Tselebrovskaya

 Valeriya TselebrovskayaValeriya is a beautiful fitness model from Austrailia.

She has fully joined into Australian life, representing in state and national sports, fundraising for the Randwick Children’s Hospital, and to my certain knowledge entering into social and cultural life being chairperson of the educational, cultural and academic publications subcommittee of the Australian Friends of the Alexandrian Library. Her ability is obvious and she has used this to take part in Sydney’s intellectual life, being highly articulate in expressing her opinions on art and literature. She attends poetry readings and concerts, whilst still taking advantage of Sydney’s beaches. She is an exemplar of a modern integrated migrant who actively contributes to Australian society.

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“Valeriya” written by Professor David Wansbrough

Light bathes our bones and flesh fills the form. But only a few decide to allow grace to flow through to enliven the image we are created in. On one the ones of the ribs enclose teh moving air and bear the perfect breast orbs. The curve of the spine defines the caduseus so the hips create the balance and poise and Virgil’s idea has reality: feet firmly on the earth and the heavens in the head. And beauty lives and moves And her vibrant soul gives us life!