Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Michaela Augustsson

Michaela Augustsson

To start with a minute of silence (I’m doing one now in text writing) for all the victims and the victims of the terrible unimaginable suffered Oslo. Have so many friends and acquaintances who live and work there and it all feels quite surreal. … There is suddenly so close, it could have been you or me! I give my thoughts to all of you out there who suffered both directly and indirectly … it’s a crazy world we live in … ..

Then, I hope everyone had a fantastic week and weekend and that you who have been enjoying holidays in full =) I try to do in Karlstad iaf .. ‘ve Been vacant now since last Tuesday, and go back to Västerås on Tuesday again as it seems. But I enjoy the fullan pull .. of both the single and the second, very good food, lovely walks, hits many fine friends who are also at home during the summer ..

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The top of the cake had been to make some awesome workout too …. frustrated by the train “light” or to even deviate from the schedule … But I also know that it is much needed, and so stiff that I was in the neck and shoulders this week is to be classified as sjukpesionär So .. God, how stiff I am, and how much it hurts! Then I become angry, have been fortunate with the flaws in terms of weight training during the whole time and then react even more when something seems out of the ordinary! But no whining helps, I’m trying to think of how I train, and make sure to focus a lot more stretching and mobility exercises in your workout to loosen up. (At home, Canada again, I kindly go and ask for some more massage )

So what am I up to at the gym these workouts then, when there are no heavy soil or Romanian bend, no record in squats or heavy pendleyroddar ….? Jojoo then there will be exercises that do not require much weight, a lot of leg exercises, functional exercises and some fun disco-high reps curl hehe …