Dayana Cadeau Double Sixes
Bodybuilding Selfie Queen and all around hottie, Debra Terpstra, finished first in women’s overall physique at the State Championships Competition in Kalamazoo in April 2014. She takes great and artistic…
Cornelia Brandt, is a bodybuilder who was successful early on in her competition and you can see why in the pictures below. She won her first title Ms. Universe 2004.…
It is important for you to stick to the basics until you get to know how your body responds to weight training. People do not respond the same exact way…
Today on Tumblr, but many yesterdays ago on Femalemuscle, we invented Homegrown, reader submitted photos.
Indiana Jones will never think of looking here for his treasure map.
Christine Roth is one of the top female bodybuilding stars of this decade. In 2002 and 2003, Christine battled for the top spot in the Canadian Bodybuilding Championships. She took…
We thought it was time to start trolling through Facebook to identify new female competitors for you. (Some ideas for you older viewers who are still searching love@aol profiles.). We…