Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Reading between the spokespersons politically correct cautious words, United Airlines will be tossing passengers off fully booked flights if they are so fat they are spreading all out of their seat and smooshing their seat-neighbor. Well, that’s how I read it anyway.
A news report says:

United Airlines is clarifying how it intends to enforce a newly-implemented policy that could result in heavier passengers being charged twice to fly.
[spokeperson] Urbanski said those passengers who are unable to comfortably fasten a safety belt with one extension, or sit comfortably with armrests down, will be moved next to an empty seat on board the same flight at no charge if possible. If no empty seats exist, the passenger can be denied boarding, or taken off the flight – and put on the next flight on which space is available – at double the charge.

Sounds all good now to us non-obese people, but one must wonder if this will affect the offseason mass monster bodybuilders?

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