Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

More and more we are learning about transgender children. ABC did a story on a family who has embraced their son as a daughter. In the story, the parents recant the story about “Jazz” their 6-year old transgender daughter (pictured). ABC reported:? “From the moment he could speak, Jazz made it clear he wanted to wear a dress. At only 15 months, he would unsnap his onesies to make it look like a dress. When his parents praised Jazz as a “good boy,” he would correct them, saying he was a good girl.”

There are many stories like this one, enough that Maine is considering banning biology-based restrooms. The ban would extend to schools, public and private, Christian and otherwise from elementary on up. People would use the restroom that they identified with, regardless of their plumbing. The ordeal is a by product of a case where a born male? child was forced to use the male restroom even though he identifies as a girl.
“The commission (Maine Human Rights Commission)? has found reasonable grounds to believe that unlawful discrimination occurred in a complaint alleging that an elementary school had an obligation to allow a transgender student access to common bathrooms consistent with that student’s gender identity, and the commission is a party to a court complaint in that case,” the commission concluded.
This story doesn’t start and stop with bathrooms and locker rooms…they are taking it through sports as well. It won’t be long until that can of worms reaches major competitive sports. Should a man who identifies as a women be permitted to use female facilities? compete in female sports? And like wise should a woman who identifies as a man use the male?

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