Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

IFBB pro bodybuilder Tonia Moore’s latest blog post is entitled “Tonia Moore knocked out of competition….due to Crohn’s Disease!!!” and describes her recent struggle with the autoimmune disease.
Image and text below from Tonia’s blog:

The next morning July 7, 2009 is when I went into surgery. When they moved my bed down to the surgery room the pain kicked in sooooo bad once that bed stopped. So my surgery….well they cut down the middle of my stomach, remove 1/3rd of my colon on the right side that had all the ulcers from the Crohn’s Disease and in which had perforated, they also removed 600cc’s of pus or waste from my abdominal cavity and they had to rinse and clean it all out. I stayed forever in Recovery because they had to wait for a bed in ICU for me.
Soooo I stayed 1 week in that hospital and they moved me to an extended stay rehab hospital where I pretty much was the youngest person there. They had to make sure my white blood cell count went down back to normal and be clear of the infection. It wasn’t until yesterday July 23, 2009 that I finally got discharged.
Time for Recovery now….I’ve lost soooo much weight and muscle it’s not even funny. Crohn’s disease effects the absorbtion of nutrients not to mention being laid up in a hospital for 2 1/2 weeks doesn’t help. I went from my muscle frame of 150lbs to a super skinny bony 98lbs. I can’t wait to get back up in weight and strength.

Check this post on Tonia’s blog for more, and all of us here at Femalemuscle wish Tonia the best.

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