Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
Weight gain results from a positive calorie balance. This excess energy or calories is stored as body fat in humans. Naturally to lose weight one needs to introduce a negative calorie balance. This introduces a calorie deficit that is compensated for by the bodys fat, resulting in weight loss. Once desired weight is achieved the patient should hold in neutral calorie balance to maintain their weight.
Consequently, weight loss should be in two successive phases; weight loss and weight maintenance.
A weight loss diet is key in inducing a negative calorie balance, however, there doesn’t seem to be a meeting of minds as to which is the best weight loss diet. Different studies show different diets to be effective with slightly differing results.
Nearly all popular diet forms have shown weight loss. There are the low carb, low fat and low calorie diets.
What is common with all these diets is they manage to introduce a calorie deficit needed for weight loss. What many diets lack is good patient education. At Lajoie Medical Group our goal is to educate the patient so he or she is armed the information they will need to make the right choices for themselves.
Another problem with any weight loss program is that it will cause loss of muscle mass unless there is inclusion of exercise in the program.
Physical exercise requires energy expenditure so it would make sense that it would result in weight loss. The fact that physical activity results in weight loss is generally agreed upon in the scientific community. In fact, studies show not only in increase in weight loss but also improved maintenance once the desired weight is achieved.
This is not the only benefit to an exercise program. Exercising effectively prevents Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic Mellitus and provides protection to persons of high risk like the obese. Other risk indicators of co-morbid factors like improved plasma lipoproteins are directly attributed to exercise. Not to mention exercising helps in retaining lean mass that can be lost with diet only programs.
To expressly avoid weight gain you will need more exercise than that recommended to improve health. You will need 45-60 minutes per day and as much as 60-90 minutes per day of moderate intensity.
Evidence shows that patients who lose weight in a program will regain it when they are out of the program. There seems to be a lack of transfer of behaviors consistent with weight loss from the program to real life conditions. At Lajoie Medical Group we offer the education and support you need to maintain a healthy body for life.
People who achieve long term weight loss have shown particular behaviors such as self determination, setting regular meal rhythms, eating breakfast, eating healthy and self monitoring exercise.
Similarly, re-gainers show behaviors such as failure to achieve weight loss, dissatisfaction with the weight achieved, lack of vigilance as to what they eat, emotional eating ,evaluating self worth in terms of shape and weight, history of yo-yo dieting, and poor stress management.
A means of creating the motivation to achieve the desired weight loss is necessary.
For the majority, long term weight loss is always a challenge because long term behavioral changes are not always easily achieved. Behavioral treatments that look into modifying weight loss goals, exercising, and self monitoring can be helpful. Many times psychological counseling can be very helpful for those with emotional problems that may be derailing their weight loss progress.
The problems with lack of persistence of positive weight loss behaviors bring us to the next reason for weight loss failure.
As opposed to motivation which is internal, there are physical means that assist in introducing and developing the coping skills that result in behavioral changes and hopefully lifestyle change consistent with maintaining a healthy weight.
The use of pre-packaged meals and online weight loss programs are considered to be somewhat exploitive and even bogus. And this is with good reason; from toilet products that claim to extract fat to shoe insoles that guarantee weight loss through reflexology, the commercial sector has been irresponsible.
But with responsible use, support structure can act as an adjunct to weight loss programs.
At Lajoie Medical we offer the support you really need. We have structured meal plans, grocery lists, diet supplements , diet drugs and exercise programs to help you achieve the results you want.