Tue. Oct 8th, 2024

Hi Doc Dave,
I’m new to body building and I was wondering what are good safe supplements for
women that will help me build muscle.


Dear Angie
just eat a healthy, varied diet. what’s your ht and weight?

Dr Ores c/o femalemuscle

Dear Dr. Dave,
I’m 5’6 225 lbs. I have a considerable amount of body fat to get rid of. I just
finished a BFL challenge(12 weeks) and the first Cycle of Body RX (6 weeks) .
I’m eating very clean with only a few slip ups here and there. I’m going to start
Cycle 2 and I’m allowed 275 grms of protein, 200grams of what he considers yellow
carbs(more starchy carbs) and I have to get 45grms of fiber in a day. I spread
this all out over 6 small meals.

I’ve heard of creatine, glutamine etc… I just don’t know where to begin with
supplements or if I really need any at all. My goals are to look like a body builder,
well defined muscle and increased strength.

I know muscle is the best fat burner and I’m really wanting to add more muscle
mass. I’m roughly 30% body fat, I’ve not had it professionally measured but my
goal is 18%. I’m sure if I get to 18% that wont be low enough. LOL!!!


Dear Angie,
What is your age? Do you eat any animal fat? butter? ice cream? chicken?

Try not eating any animal fat for six weeks. see if you lose any weight. five
pounds a month = a 60 lb a year weight loss.

Olive oil is OK. no animals. no meat. even the leanest meat is still 50% fat by
weight. no butter or cheese. no dairy. skim milk is OK. eat much as you want want
of non-animal foods. Cereals, fruits, vegetables.

Steamed fish is OK for now for protein. egg white is OK. steamed veggies are good.

Lime juice. Lemon juice. garlic. spices… all fine.

No butter. no sour cream.

In other words, try eating “nothing with a face” (except steamed fish).

Email me if there are any foods you’re not sure about.

If you are able to change over to this “no fat” way of eating…. as the weeks
drift by… you will weigh less and less.

Dr. Ores

Dear Dr. Dave,
I’m 33 yrs old. I do eat some animal fat that is marbled with in meat like steaks
and such. I do try to trim off as much fat as possible. I eat a pat or two of
butter a week if that. If I have pam spray I don’t use butter at all and if I
do it’s real butter. I eat a lot of chicken but do get burned out quickly if that’s
my only choice. I eat the white meat only. I’ve not had ice cream in about 18-20
weeks. I try hard to not eat sugar of any kind. I use a lot of splenda for sweetener.


Dear Angie,
Try to not
eat animal fat for six weeks or so. Or try no animal fat 4 days a week if you
are able. Chicken meat of any kind is 50% fat. If no fat enters your body (through
your mouth) then you will weigh a little less each day. There is no other way
for fat to get inside of you. There is no fat in the air you breathe and fat does
no soak through your skin. The only way fat can get into you is if you place the
fat in your oral cavity and swallow it. Stop doing that and you will weigh less
as the weeks drift by. Try it and see.

Dr Ores