Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

By now the chances that you don’t know about Tim Tebow’s ‘pro-life’ commercial is slim, but in case you don’t, I’ll fill you in on the details. Pam Tebow (Tim’s mom) contracted a life-threatening infection in the Philippines while pregnant with Tim. Against the advise of doctors, she kept the baby risking her own life.
In case you have been living in a world void of college football, Tim Tebow has been the quarterback for the Florida Gators and recipient of the Heisman trophy, winner of the BCS championship and SEC titles. Some hail him as one of the best all time college football players ever to play the game.
The commercial, which is to air during the Super bowl tells the story…the National Organization for Women (NOW) is making quite the fuss trying to get CBS to pull the commercial.
Here is my deal. NOW is trying to ‘take a stand for women.’ I get that, however, the amount of publicity they have created trying to pull the piece has probably created as much awareness as it would have avoided. Second the Tebow’s are sharing their story, and have never been the least bit shy about their beliefs. I doubt anyone who knows who Tim is, doesn’t know his strong Christian stand. Third, NOW seemingly ‘defends’ women against “frankly offensive” material, but never voices their defense against shows that put women in “frankly offensive” situations.
Tim told press, “I know some people won’t agree with it, but I think they can at least respect that I stand up for what I believe…that’s the reason I’m here, because my mom was a very courageous woman.”
I am over the controversy and think it is a pretty cool story. I also know just because it is on TV or that I respect its origin, doesn’t mean I have to agree with it. In fact, there are plenty of things on TV that I don’t agree with and? just because? I am subjected to them has not made me any less of a woman or altered my beliefs.

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