Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I had previously rampaged posted in Nov 2008 about Star Jones ludicrous denials of having had a gastric bypass:

Star Jones pictured below went through a major stage of denying she had a gastric bypass operation while dropping weight faster then Usain Bolt runs. Possibly as she finally realized that no one believed her denials; she admitted to the operation in a 2007 interview with Glamour magazine.


Now, according to People Magazine this week the denials of surgery may have “indirectly contributed to her losing her job” [quote below] which taking out the double speak means the The View producers were totally embarrassed by the intelligence insulting denials of an obvious surgery so dumped her like a hot potato.

Jones says her weight-loss also indirectly contributed to her losing her job on The View: Barbara Walters listed Jones’s decision not to come clean about her surgery as a contributing factor in ABC’s move not to renew her contract.

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