Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

All right, it’s time to blow off some steam and go to a few holiday parties. Hey, parties are a good thing if you can just manage them and not get beaten up by late nights, crappie food, and too much booze. It’s a drag to roll into the new year feeling fat and hung over. Not exactly an energized, go get ’em attitude for the fresh start we’re looking for. Here’s how to come out feeling like you just danced your butt off, laughed, and got to hang with people you don’t normally get to see.

1. Eat before you go out. Not only will you not get as drunk, but this will keep you from eating 12 mini burgers or little fried finger food wonders. Make a point of eating something healthy to give yourself a head start. You’re already going to a party so be diligent before you go let it lose.
2. Go to parties where you know you’re going to have fun, and like the people. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to an invitation. You’ll do more talking, laughing, and dancing then drinking to escape the people you are trying to avoid. Unless it’s work, try to remember that a party is supposed to be fun. Not another holiday “obligation.”
3. Don’t stand near the bar or buffet table. Avoid getting yourself in a situation where you’re mindlessly eating or drinking. If you’re that bored, go hang with someone you enjoy or leave. Don’t force the fun.
4. Drink water in between each drink. You will get less drunk, and since you’re staying hydrated, you may avoid the headache in the morning.
5. Go cut a rug. Let it fly. Even if you don’t love dancing, go get your groove on. It keeps you away from the food, and it’s hard to drink when you’re busting a move. Plus you can blow off some steam. The dancer who has the most fun wins — not who looks the best. Believe me, no one cares how anyone else dances.
6. Don’t stay too late. Nothing good happens late. Get in, have some fun, and know when it’s time to go home. Believe me, you won’t be missing anything.
7. Use the party to reconnect with you. We play so many roles in our lives (moms, wives, executives, dads). Forget that. Just go be your hot self without all the labels. It’s important to take advantage of situations that can remind us who we are.
8. Ladies, dress in a fitted outfit. That’s right — this will encourage you not to grab every little morsel that passes your way.
9. Drink water before bed. Even though you’ve been drinking water all night, make sure you get some more in before you hit the hay. I even take my vitamins before I go to sleep. You never know where you get a little extra help from.