Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Jim Stoppani, PhD
WHAT IT IS: The Weider Principle of partial-reps training involves doing an exercise through a shorter range of motion (ROM) like half squats vs. full squats.
SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT: University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg) scientists had 56 males follow a 10-week strength-training program that included three sets of bench presses done twice a week. One group trained using a full ROM and about 65% of their one-rep maxes (IRMs). The other group trained using a partial ROM (starting 2-5 inches from full elbow lockout) and about 100% of their IRMs. Both groups increased their bench press by about 25 pounds. The fact that partial reps increased subjects’ strength just as much as the full-ROM reps has numerous implications. For one, if you have an injury that limits your ROM, you can still achieve your goals. In addition, if you combine partial- and full-ROM training, your strength gains may be even greater than using either training method alone.
HOW TO USE IT: Perform 2-3 sets of an exercise through the last 2-5 inches of the ROM using 100% of your 1RM. Do as many reps as you can, then follow with 2-3 sets using a full ROM. Or if you have an injury, just work through the ROM that you can tolerate.
25 The percentage of bodyfat in men that correlates with increased susceptibility to disease
Jim Stoppani, PhD