Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Over at Muscular Development, the following question was posed:

Is Iris Kyle bad for woman’s bodybuilding?

The primary complaints about Iris Kyle is that she’s too big, and not feminine enough to be Ms. Olympia. Here are several of the responses:

“She’s bad for the sport, but what are you going to do? Ban her for being too muscular?”

“Iris is Ms. Olympia because she’s the best bodybuilder.”

“With a girl like Cathy LeFrancois out there why not go for a more feminine look?”

The conversation remained fairly tame, until a female poster by the name of sadie7879 responded with the following:

So what about the men? The men look like cartoon characters… they are grossly out of proportion for the typical male form. We should outlaw drugs in general? That’s why there are natural shows. Go to those if that is your preference. Just as some of you guys do not appreciate muscular women, I assure you that most of the female population do NOT appreciate the amount of muscle on male pros either…so they don’t go to shows. I suggest that if the women bother you, you go to the f**kin bathroom or something while they are on stage.

Hypocritical double standard BS all over this thread.

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