Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

musclebeach2010In a bold move, promoters of the annual Muscle Beach Championships (to be held on September 7th, 2009) announced yesterday that they will be revealing an aggressive plan to attract women to the sport of female bodybuilding.
Joe Wheatly Productionz, organizers of the Muscle Beach event, had this to say:

The sport of female bodybuilding has been in rough waters as of late. Beginning in 2010, the Muscle Beach Championships will enact an aggressive plan to attract the everyday woman – the soccer mom – to the sport of bodybuilding. We will feature new and exciting exhibits and attractions!

Some of the featured attractions include:

  • Chicken, rice and broccoli recipe cookoff!
  • “Making Clenbuterol work for you” seminar!
  • A soccer match, featuring a battle between the children of the contestants
  • Better sex seminar: “Why men want to be dominated by your muscle”
  • Live demonstration of the “10 best protein shakes that can be made in under a minute”
  • A special appearance by Dr. Phil! Speaking topic will be, “Moms: how muscle makes laundry, breast feeding and child rearing much easier!”