Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

ml8Age: 27
Height: 5’4? – 162 cm
Weight: 120 lbs
How did you get started with bodybuilding?
I’ve been modelling for a few years, and a part of my job was to stay in shape. I loved it and it led me to became a total gym rat. After months of intense training the abs started to show and I was enjoying the fitness lifestyle.
Suddenly the modeling requests were coming from Fitness Magazines and Supplement companies. A friend of mine told me to compete in the next NPC bikini competition so I gave it a shot. It was such a thrill to step on stage!

Where does your motivation come from?
I would say the mirror. There’s nothing more motivating than when you find a new vein! Am I crazy? Probably, but it’s true! Progress is what motivates me to keep pushing harder and not give up. Also it’s extremely motivating to have so many female fans. I never thought I would get to that point, especially since I’m an ex Playboy Cover Model. But girls! Thanks! I love you! You’re the best!
What workout routine has worked best for you?
Monday: Back/Biceps Chin Ups (Wide Grip) 4×12 Chin Ups (Normal Grip) 4×10 Row Machine 4×12 T-Bar Rows 4×12 Dumbbell Curls 6×12 EZ Bar Curls 4×12 Straight Bar Cable Curls 4×12
Tuesday: Hamstrings/Calves Lying Leg Curls 4×12 Seated Leg Curls 4×12 Deadlifts 4×10-15 Seated Calf Raises 8×20 Standing Calf Raises (Smith Machine) 6×20
Wednesday: Triceps/Shoulders Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extensions 6×12 Skull Crushers EZ Bar 4 X 12 Rope Overhead Cable Extensions 4×12 Military Press 4×10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3×10 Upright Rows with EZ Bar 4×12 Side Lateral Raises 4×10
Thursday: Rest Off
Friday: Legs Lunges 4×12 Good Mornings 6×20 Leg Press (Single Leg) 4×15 (Each Leg) Squats 4×12
Saturday: Abs Hanging Knee Raises 4×12 Crunches 4×20 Crunch Machine 4×12 Crunches On Ball 4×20
Sunday: Rest Off
If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?
Sprints – Helps tighten that booty and burns fat at the same time Lunges – Great exercise to really target my leg muscles Side Lateral Raises – Boring for some people but I love to train shoulders and I feel that side raises have really helped sculpt my delts
What is your daily diet like?
Meal 1: Oatmeal with Big Blend from Betancourt Nutrition
Meal 2: Ham with Swedish Crackers (Wasa)
Meal 3: Chicken Breast with Brown Rice
Meal 4: Pork Chops with Salad
Meal 5: Beef with Asparagus & Spinach
Meal 6: Salmon with Broccoli
Meal 7: Casein Protein Shake (Before bed)
When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?
I just love to sweat like a maniac. So what ever I feel like: Stair Master, Rollerblading around South Beach Miami or Spinning classes. I keep the intensity high and make sure that I am always pushing my hardest.
What is your supplementation like?
Betancourt Nutrition keep stacking up my place with their products, and I have them to thank a lot for the development of my body. I use their Big Blend, Pro Amino, Bullnox and Fulldose.
Favorite Quote?
“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights” – Ronnie Coleman

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