Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the look and aesthetic of a fit, athletic, female physique. When I first came across women who had taken their bodies and athleticism to the next level, I knew I had found my home. Not only for myself physically but also for the look I wanted to achieve. Knowing that we all can’t be Ms. Olympia, or even come close to that level, I strived to be the best I could with the genetics I was born with. I’m very happy and very proud of what I’ve accomplished.
There have been a few women, along my journey that have motivated me, inspired me and given me the drive to build a strong, muscular physique. And though I will never step on a competitive stage, I can still flex my biceps, smile and be thankful for these handful of women that I admire.
So today, in honor of them and their accomplishments and for all the dreams they inspired, I give you some of my most favorite female bodybuilders of all time.

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