Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I met her in Vince’s Gym, which is run by the equally legendary Vince Gironda, the Iron Guru of Studio City.
Vince is a wry old guy with a chicken hawk glare who once informed me that cannibalism was the purest form of protein.
For that reason, we have never dined together.
His gym used to cater only to men but now about half of his customers are women.
“They come here to work off their buckets,” Vince said, peering out from behind his counter. “I am literally living off the fat of the land.”
Actually, what he said was that he was living off the fat of their buckets. Well, not buckets exactly, but off the fat of what Cobalt refers to as a woman’s biscuit. That is as far as human decency and company policy will allow me to go.
Kay Baxter was not there to work off her bucket, it being in better than adequate condition.
Check out some of our historical Kay Baxter links below: