Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Justin Bieber, who is on top of the world, has taken up bodybuilding with? Jordan Yuam, the guy who trained? Taylor Lautner into shape for the? Twilight saga. ? It sounds awfully suspicious, doesn’t it?
He goes from a cutie-pie banging on a piano at home to having millions of adolescent and teenage girls worshiping at his feet. And now he’s got a taste for transforming his body? and walking around shirtless. Either the teen heartthrob has become a real fan of? Twilight or he’s figuring on honing in on Taylor’s screaming fanship.
Either way, the Biebs has got some ‘splainin’ to do to his fans. ? Doesn’t he know they like him because he’s a “Baby” face with matching body?
It’s not like Bieber’s hurting for fans. With Bieber’s 24 million Facebook fans to? Twilight‘s 20 million, he’s the undisputed winner. ? But just whisper the word? Twilight, and teenage girls go into a frenzy. ? Whoever you’re a fan of: Jacob or Edward, they will engage you in a lengthy debate about exactly why their side is better. ? Taylor Lautner had a countdown run by? not embarrassed enough? Twilight Moms leading up until his 18th birthday, when they were officially allowed to swoon at those washboard abs without feeling like a pedophile.
What does the Justin have? ? Beatle haircut? ? Girls who send his girlfriend crazed death threats? ? I know what he’s thinking: You’re nothing in 2011 until you have the teenage girls on? your team.
But the Justin Bieber has something the? Twilight crew doesn’t have right now: the opposite of sex appeal. He’s good, clean, wholesome. And that’s why Moms like him. Put some washboard abs under the hoodie, and he probably will push Taylor Lautner out of the spotlight.
Team Jacob? ? Team Edward? or Team Justin?
Do you think Bieber as bodybuilder is going to change his image?

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