Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The popular women’s magazine, Marie Claire, introduced us to a world first.? Anthropologist, Fiona Graham, may have a Ph.D. from Oxford, but her most notorious accomplishment is becoming Japan’s first Western Geisha. Sayuki, Fiona’s? geisha name, was born in Melbourne, Australia. She is? the first foreign woman in the 400-year history of? geisha profession.
In late 2007, after extensive training, Sayuki made her debut and has continued to learn and master the art. Marie Claire wrote:

The profession originated in the 17th century in response to male demand for cultured female company. According to Confucian custom, most marriages were loveless affairs arranged purely to produce heirs. While licensed courtesans existed to meet men’s sexual needs, geisha carved out a separate niche as artists and erudite female companions. Their clients today include politicians, businessmen, and celebrities, who each pay an average of $400 per hour to attend private banquets and relax in an atmosphere of nostalgic beauty. “An experienced geisha can converse knowledgeably on any subject of interest to her clients, from international trade relations to domestic political intrigue, and she’ll never reveal what was said,” says Sayuki.

Sayuki has broken four centuries of custom to fit into a sacred world. She is an amazing woman.