Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Hardbody.com, a Bodybuilding.com affiliate and fellow steroid supplement peddler, is angry! And they’re just not going to take it anymore! What are they angry about? Humor.
Yes, you read that correctly. Isaac Hinds and the gang at hardbody.com are mad at Female Muscle for using satire to make light of the bodybuilding.com raid.

“It’s only the first of the month and it will be tough to beat the irresponsible and unfunny Lori Braun from femalemuscle.com for “Bonehead of the Month”. It’s one thing to post jokes and let people know your story is a parody or fictitious. It’s entirely different when you interlace real news with fake news.” – Isaac Hinds, Hardbody.com

Unfortunately, Mr. Hinds seems unable to read the post tags under the satirical headlines…you know, the tags that read satire and humor. Sorry Isaac. We know what a real pain bad vision can be. Maybe if you sell enough steroids for bodybuidling.com, you can buy a cheap pair of reading glasses from Wal-mart!
Female Muscle has posted numerous stories on the bodybuilding.com raid. The first several stories were listed under the news category, and contained facts. The next several stories were completely fictitious, and contained ONLY fiction and satire. Female Muscle, at no time, melded fact with fiction. Satirical posts were filed under humor and satire.
For those keeping score at home, Female Muscle did not invent news satire. In fact, it’s been going on for many, many years. For those of you like Isaac Hinds, who haven’t watched television since the beginning of the Cold War era, please check out the likes of Johnny Carson, Dave Letterman, or Jon Stewart.
For another example of humor, please see:

Bodybuilding.com Reduces the Size of it’s Balls

And just a reminder to faithful Female Muscle readers: we were the first industry site to report the story. We provide news AND humor. What a wickedly original idea!
It should also be noted that bodybuilding.com publishes photos from Isaac Hinds, as stated on issac’s website:
Isaac Hinds was Bodybuilding.com’s photographer of the year for 2007 and 2008. Those are the dots. Connect them yourself.

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