Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Do you like to tie one on why tying up your packages? For many of us, the holiday season is a time of pure indulgence. Sometimes those indulgences include alcohol.
A hangover (do I really need to describe the symptoms?) is caused primarily by dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic (which explains all of those trips to the bathroom!).

The metabolism of alcohol diverts the liver from its job of making sugar that your body needs for energy, and this can lead to low blood sugar levels.
This metabolism also results in a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde which may also contribute to hangover symptoms. Lastly, as the body works to metabolize the alcohol, it uses up your supply of Vitamin B12, and this may also contribute to the way you are feeling.
Unfortunately, there has not been a tremendous amount of research on hangover therapy, and since I don’t see the potential for a Nobel Prize in this field of study, it’s unlikely we ever will.
However, knowing what we do about how alcohol affects the body, we can come up with some pretty good remedies.
* Rehydrate. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after consuming alcohol.
* Eat. Eating helps decrease the absorption of alcohol systemically. Eating salty foods will also help the body retain fluids. (I once knew a guy from Denmark who swore that he never had a hangover because he took a teaspoon of table salt after a long night of drinking. Be warned – this remedy is not verified!)
* Replace Vitamin B. Brits and anglophiles swear by a product called Berocca which is a fizzy tablet like Alka-Seltzer that contains high amounts of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Berocca is not available in the U.S. currently, but a similar product, called Emergen-C is available.
* Choose your poison. Some drinks give you worse hangovers than others. Clear liquor like vodka and gin are lower in congeners (alcohol impurities) because of the filtering process involved. Fewer congeners mean a lower risk of hangover.
I know many of you will not want to hear this, but, of course, the best thing to do is avoid a hangover all together. Some good behavioral tips to limiting your consumption but still participating in the festivities:
* Try alternating beverages. Drink an alcoholic beverage, then drink water or club soda. You’ll likely cut your alcohol consumption in half.
* Choose something you don’t really like. Many of us like to have a drink in our hand as a crutch at a party. We can always take a sip when there’s a lull in the conversation. Choose a drink that is not to your liking. You’ll be reminded of the fact every time you take a sip, and you’ll be unlikely to finish the whole thing.
Please share some of your holiday hangover survival tips. (This could get interesting.)

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