Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Dr. Rizan Hajal lists some tips for getting a good nights sleep, even if you don’t have a sleep disorder.
As someone who has had problems getting to sleep in the past, I whole-heartedly recommend following his tips. Especially the part about having some booze with dinner. A glass of red wine or two with your supper will put you right to sleep.
Last night, I couldn’t fall asleep so I took a couple Nyquil pills. Usually I don’t do this, I just tough it out and try to make it through the next day on 4 hours of sleep. But I had a big day ahead of me, and needed the rest, so I popped em. Here’s what came out of that:
I had a vivid dream in which I was Mickey Mouse (unanimated live version, but not in an outfit, the felt was my skin), and I was performing in some sort of circus against my will. Walt Disney was standing in the center ring looking up as I was being pushed out onto a tight rope with a very small telescoping pointer to use for balance. My grotesquely oversized feet were hard to line up with the tightrope, but Donald Duck was pushing me out onto it, so I finally made a running dash to the platform on the other side. When I got there, I heard Walt yell up at me, “Do some goddamn tricks this time!” and I just closed my eyes and fell backwards over the rail of the platform, and felt myself careening peacefully and never hit the ground.