Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Is dairy healthy for me?
If you want a lean ripped body, there are certain foods that you cannot? eat.
Most dairy products contain a lot of fat and if you eat them you probably won’t have a very well defined physique. As difficult as it is to avoid these foods, it’s well worth it when you look in the mirror and see your cut-up abs and bulging vascular biceps. Eating properly takes a lot of discipline but you can do it. I did.
For starters, never drink whole milk. Milk is good for you but you should only drink skim milk. Try to drink only skim milk in your coffee and tea as well. Egg yolks are not good for you either, so if you’re going to eat eggs have the egg whites only. Egg whites have a lot of? protein. You’ll get used to them and actually come to enjoy them! Cheese is probably one of the worst things you can eat. Stay away from it! If you must eat it, only have it once a month.
Ice cream, as tasty as it is, is extremely bad for you, but if you have a sweet tooth eat low fat yogurt instead. You should also try to stay away from red meat, butter, cream, sugar, desserts and alcohol. Try to cut down your coffee intake as well.

Is working out the same for men and women?

Both men and women have asked me this same question over the years. Women asking for themselves and men asking for their wives and/or girlfriends.
Women are afraid that if they lift heavy weights, they will bulk up like a man. The bad news, for people like myself who want to bulk up, is that women, unfortunately or fortunately, do not have the same hormones that men do and therefore will not bulk up and gain size like a man. It is physically impossible.
This is good news for some women because the last thing that they want is to look masculine. Well, don’t worry, women, you can lift hard and furiously and you will never look like a power lifter unless you are taking steroids, which I am totally against. A woman’s thyroid can be adversely affected by steroid use accompanied by many damaging side effects. Once this happens, the effects can take two to three years to reverse if ever.
To have the perfect muscular female physique, it is important to remember that along with? weight? training and some sort of cardiovascular exercise, one of the main components is a good? diet.? Stretching your body is also crucial to staying healthy and fit.
There are certain exercises women need to focus on since our bodies are different from men. Here are some very important? weight? lifting tips:
Chest: Women need to focus on? incline presses to develop the upper chest muscles. This can be done with dumbbells, barbells or the Smith machine. Also? incline flies are important to help develop the separation in the upper pecs. Do not cut out the other chest exercises; just make sure to focus a little harder on your upper chest.
Back: Most women are not as broad as the average man, so when you are doing lat pull downs, make sure your grip is not to the ends of the bar. The average lat pull down bar curves down and the curve is where you would grip the bar.? Lat pull downs to the front is one great exercise. Close grip pull downs to your chest and seated rows are also great for women. Another exercise that is good for the lower back is high rep hyperextensions with a five or ten pound plate
Shoulders: Women do not usually have strong shoulders, which might be due to the lack of use of their upper body or simply evolution. To develop your delts, you do not have to lift heavy like a man.? High reps when doing shoulders is key. When you are doing seated shoulder presses with a barbell,? you should have two bars ready to use; one heavy, the other light. This is so that you can lift heavy and quickly drop the weight and keep the set going with the lighter weight until you feel the burn. This is called ‘drop setting’. This can also be done on the Smith by quickly removing and replacing the plates. Another important exercise is ‘side laterals’. Try to do these with your arms straight out at your sides. Drop set on these as well. Your rear delts need to be worked as well to have symmetrical development in your shoulders. You can do these sitting backward on a pecdeck or bending over using light dumbbells. Some gyms have machines specifically designed for rear delt? workouts.
Is working out the same for men and women? (continued)
Biceps: You do not have to lift heavy to have great arms, but? you do have to concentrate on the contractions at the top of the exercise. Squeezing your bicep is important. Close grip barbell curls, hammer curls, close grip preacher curls, and incline dumbbell curls are all great shaping exercises for the biceps. Push-ups should be done at least twice a week to help develop the overall shape and size of the arms. If you can not do them in the beginning, it is okay to cheat by resting your knees on the mat. In no time at all, you should be doing fifteen solid Military Style push-ups!
Triceps: Do not neglect your triceps. This is one part of a woman anatomy that tends to get flabby, but do not fear, this can be easily remedied. Tricep cable pushdowns are excellent for tightening the triceps. Dumbbell extensions, seated or standing, the dumbbell being held in two hands while bending and straightening the arms behind your head is another great exercise. Tricep kickbacks with lightweight are essential to well developed triceps.
Legs! Legs! Legs! My favorite body part!? What could be better than working one body part while also working half of your entire body? That is the beauty of working legs. There is no reason why you should have legs that you are not totally and completely satisfied with. Women naturally have powerful legs. We are very lucky in that respect. On the other hand, women’s legs tend to carry a lot of extra fat, just as men do on their stomachs, in what are known as ‘love handles’. To develop beautiful, shapely and muscular legs, deep bucket squats are essential. This means that while using light weights, either on the squat rack or? Smith machine, you come down very low, your behind about a foot from the floor.? Bucket squats done strictly, slowly and with light to medium weight will help tighten up the entire leg all the way up to your gluts.? Lunges done on the Smith machine or with a barbell are also crucial to tightening and firming legs and gluts. The leg press machine should be used with light to medium weight while pointing your toes outward to the sides. These are technically referred to as ‘duck presses’ and they develop and tighten the inner thighs. Leg extensions and lying hamstring curls should also be done.? Straight leg dead lifts using lightweights should be done occasionally to replace lying hamstring curls. For the final touch, standing or seated calf raises should be done as well.
Abs: To balance out your beautiful physique, great abs are most essential. Abs are to be done slowly, with great focus on breath. When you do crunches, you need to breathe out each time you come up as well as to contract your abs. To help strengthen your abs when doing crunches, you may want to use a five or ten lb. plate behind your head. Twisting sit-ups are important for developing your upper abs and obliques. Leg raises are good for developing your lower abs, which can tend to get flabby on women as well as men. You can also do seated leg tucks using a bench by holding onto the bench and tucking your knees into your chest, flexing your abs and pushing your legs out without your feet touching the floor. Good luck! I know you can do it and be sure to send me your before and after pictures as an inspiration to others!!!
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