Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Posted by Gabrielle Reece
Slicing up the same old pie… A piece for you busy moms and people with no time (literally).
To try and stay up on what’s going on in people’s lives, I read some of the posted comments to see what everyone’s dealing with. It helps to understand and oftentimes will even help me choose a topic for my next entry.

There are times that I feel people’s frustrations that they can never get from behind the 8 ball — they don’t have the time, feel like their genetics are against them, and think that eating well and exercise only works for those who are already “in shape.” It seems a lot of people have lost hope and might even be a bit depressed. If this is the case, then all of my entries must read like they are in a foreign language. Where do I begin?
If you feel like you’re just holding on and getting through each day, then, yes, worrying about eating too much wheat probably isn’t too high on your list. I feel like sometimes people want to log on and hear something really “new” about losing weight and getting fit. But the obstacle from my side is that the information on how to get there isn’t changing from week to week. The way to achieve the goals is still the same. Sure, there may be some new cool class now and again, but the foundation still has to do with eating well and, yes, exercise. Not one or the other. Both. Hand in hand.
Let’s say you’re working 2 jobs and 80 hours a week, or you’re a nutty mom with 12 kids and you work. What can you do? You’re right that you don’t have time, and if you’re working two jobs, my guess is you’re just getting by. Not a lot of room for luxury and days at the spa with a chef making your perfect meals and snacks. I get it.
So what can you do?
Most important, if you’re working that much, you need to sleep as much as you can. When you get home from your long day, take a shower and go to bed. I know you need to unwind but go to sleep. That will help you more than anything else. You can’t recover if you don’t get some rest. On your days off (if you have any), exercise.
When you get up, eat something right away. Make a bowl of oatmeal or some eggs. Eat. Not a fast-food breakfast patty or a bowl of sugary cereal. Make something for yourself at home. It doesn’t take long and it doesn’t cost more. If you can stomach it, throw in a peace of fruit and a giant glass of water with your coffee.
Mid morning, have a snack. Grab a scoop of tuna or a slice of turkey and cheese. Drink some water.
For lunch, eat half of a sandwich (you see I didn’t say don’t eat bread) and a piece of something from the Earth (veggies cut up or fruit), and drink a big glass of water. Forget the small bag of chips and the 90 oz. soda.
If you need caffeine, drink some unsweetened tea. Everything that is artificially sweetened is bad — avoid it.
Late afternoon, have the other half of your sandwich with another glass of water.
Dinner — eat some lettuce with a protein. Now I’m going to say avoid wheat and sugar. Make sure you eat a good fat with your meal so you feel full. Olive oil, nuts on your salad, or avocado.
If you want something yummy, eat it for your mid-morning snack.
If you’re at your second job and have to be up late and get hungry, then do a simple snack. Eat some veggies with one slice of cheese and a slice of protein you like. This is simple and portable.
Drink water.
No time to move?
Wherever you can walk or take the stairs, do it. This goes for you busy moms too. Park far away from the store or the mall and walk from your car across the parking lot. Elevator or escalator? Take the stairs.
If you’re watching the tube, lie on the floor and stretch, do some sit-ups, dips on a chair, or pushups (on your knees if you need to), and squat with just your body weight. No weights, no gym, just do it when you can. Create sets. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each.
Try to find a minute a day where you close your eyes and breathe. Keep your stress as low as you can. I don’t care if it’s while you’re on the toilet, get your minute to move the air all the way to the bottom of your feet. I catch myself being a chest breather, and before you know it, not breathing adds to your physical tension.
Avoid nuking your food, drive-throughs, processed food, food in a bag, sugary drinks (including juices), too much sugar, too much bread and pasta, and too much fat. Eat fresh as much as you can. Try to eat something green and real as often as you can.
Now I know this doesn’t solve anything, but maybe it’s a start for those of you who are overwhelmed for good reason. Don’t you wish this pie had chips and cream on it? I’m with you, and want all of you to keep trying to find the way to stay or get healthy.