Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Listen to this Dutch man. He speaketh the truth. I’ve always wondered why there has been such a push for eating a big breakfast and then smaller meals throughout the day, when everyone I know grew up doing the opposite. Throughout history, as Dr. Ori Hofmekler points out, famously lean and muscular races have eaten very little throughout the day, and had a large hearty supper in the evening. This is my routine as well, and it has always worked for me. I rarely eat anything more than an apple or orange in the morning, and usually a V8 or tomato juice.
With the huge rise in obesity in recent years, I think it’s time to reconsider the whole big breakfast idea.
Here’s a sample menu for a day’s diet:
Breakfast – Orange or fruit
Morning snack – Peanuts
Lunch – Cottage cheese, black beans
Afternoon snack – Apple, broccoli w hummus
Dinner – Lean meat, 2 veg

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