Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


My name is Dani Reardon. I am 23 years old and compete as and IFBB PRO in the womens physique division. I have a masters degree in exercise physiology and absolutely love learning about the human body. I strongly belive in positive afformations, a strong mind and consistency. ? Everyone always asks me how did I get into bodybuilding?

I started cheerleading my freshman year of high school and fell in love with that for the next 5 years. I was on several teams, had achieved many great awards, and in fact, cheerleading was the main reason I moved to Orlando. Aside from my best friend moving here, I had dreams of cheering for UCF, who at the time were the champions. Well, despite that all the skills were there I did not get accepted to UCF which meant, no cheerleading for me. I tried to hang onto the dream, and coach, and practice where they did, however eventually I fell off the cheerleading wagon, and into something much greater, bodybuilding.

Not just physically, but academically. I went to a local community college to get my associates, so UCF had no choice but to accept me. The college offered a Sport and Exercise Science Bachelors’, I thought well, I like training and eating, and I’m also new to competing, I want to find out why things work the way they do. My last semester of my Bachelors I was involved in the Human Performance Lab, where I eventually became a Masters student and a graduate assistant. After finishing a thesis and graduating in December 2013, I decided to put my efforts somewhere else. Trying to stay connected to UCF, while competing, I continued teaching undergraduate courses in the sport and exercise science field. I wanted to teach the reasons behind what I’ve learned and practiced and believe in to others with similar goals.

Through high school was not just pom poms and really annoying makeup… freshman year I was recruited to compete on the girls weightlifting team, which I also continued until this very day. I went on to break school records for 3 weight classes, as well as earn other awards and achievements. This was about the time I was given nicknames like “She Hulk” “Muscles” and “Guns” because of the muscle tone I had compared to everyone else. It was fun, I liked it, and it motivated me even more.

The same coach that recruited me for weightlifting also recruited me to compete in the Mr. and Miss Wesley Chapel Bodybuilding contest. The contest was structured very similar to the competitions you all are familiar with; quarter turns mandatory’s and… a routine! My first two years I competed I was awarded showmanship, which pretty much meant awesome routine. Although I was not awarded the “overall” until my last two years, I was surprisingly content (because I suck at losing) with being recognized as what I considered the “best poser” award… and going out on a limb here but that’s where my love for posing started.

Many people don’t know when I dieted for my first show… 2009, I was actually on track to compete in a fitness competition, I had a badass rock song and a killer routine to show. Unfortunately, a MRSA infection on my knee (from the cheerleading mats I suppose), and not being able to do cardio or legs made show prep impossible, leading to my withdrawal. My first official show was in 2010 at the Europa Show of Champions in Orlando. I competed in teen figure and was awarded 2nd… out of 2. And deservingly so, remember I was a noob, I figured protein bars were cool to eat before a show because It said “protein”. Needless to say I was a beefcake onstage. I started with a coach more local and decided to take things more seriously. I competed nationally about a year later in 2011, didn’t do well. This was the first year they had women’s physique… I was like wait… posing? front double bicep? routine?? I’m in.

My very first women’s physique show was June 2012. The feeling of the very first front double bicep pose I hit on stage, gave me and still gives me goose bumps. I qualified for nationals at that show but decided to do a few more throughout the summer, eventually ending up in Atlanta Georgia for Nationals… I won my class and earned my pro card that weekend. It honestly didn’t register that night, or at the photo shoot the next day. It was when CJ looked at my trophy that I wouldn’t let go of, said to me “congratulations, welcome to the IFBB”, I was speechless, I don’t even think thank you came out.
Here I am today, 23 years old, in what feels like a dream, on my way to the big stage. I currently stand in the top 5 for point qualification and am going to do whatever it takes to get there. “The best way to predict the future is to create it”

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