Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

I was always very active. I had been training very hard as a gymnast for 12 years and then I started to work out in a gym because I had to stop doing the gymnastics, due to injuries, as well as the fact I was simply growning too tall. 
I also did a lot of running, fitnesstraining, hiking, biking, swimming, snowboarding. I always trained regulary in the gym 2-3 times a week but only started two and a half years ago lifting properly.
My goals over the next months are building up more muscles and improve certain bodyparts.
I always had a very competitive mind, I can’t just go through the motions. I want to get better, improve myself, become stronger! In every trainingsession I want to beat what I have done in the previous one.

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Also I’m surrounded by great people who love what I do and push and support me! No reason not to be motivated! 
My most important training tip to everyone who wants to improve shape and build up lean muscles: Train, Eat, Sleep! It is important to eat ENOUGH to build up muscles. Healthy carbs give me the energy and drive I need in my workouts to push to the limits everytime I train.
And of course lots of protein for muscle growth! I get lots of sleep so my body can recover from the heavy workouts. I cut down my carbs in the afternoon, but eat solid meals during the day!.. Train heavy weights intensely, increase your protein intake, DON’T get caught up in fads or too much detail, just concentrate on lifting heavy weights.

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