Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


Cambridge has come a long way in allowing women to attend the university and another 75-years to award them degrees upon completion of their studies. Now, women are an everyday part of campus life and they are exploring all their assets, much to the disgust of select on lookers. There are several women who have donned bikini’s and posed for a school student? website, The Tab,? and have thus been labeled as “Tab Totty’s.” They are not just being individually bashed, but as a whole, receiving criticism for bringing the college and society down as misinterpreting empowerment with pin-up.

One of the girls? on the site,? Heidi, said ā€œIā€™d like to see myself as someone with brainpower and boobs, a pairing which Cambridge culture strives to deny.ā€ I wonder why this picture is seen as anything but empowering. She looks strong and in charge, and thats before I knew she was smart.