Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

201203Nicole_BallNo matter the reason for wearing them, whether it’s for function or fashion, there’s no denying how sexy boots can be. From the girl-next-door in her rain boots to the whip wielding Dominatrix in her thigh highs, we can’t help but stare and fantasize “what if”.
That’s ok for the masses, but you’re no average Joe. You’re here on FemaleMuscle because you’re a ? 1-percenter. That’s right, you are the minority. It takes more than just an overpriced pair of thigh-highs to catch your attention. You need more, you need muscle, you need someone buff in those boots to really make you fantasize “what if”.
So to help you fantasize, I thought I’d share a few of the women I’ve come across lately wearing all sorts of boots. Is there a pair here that really makes you stop and think? If not, here’s a suggestion, contact your favorite competitor and offer to get her a pair of boots. Ask her to take a picture and we’ll use it in an upcoming boot feature.
But for now, check out the gallery.

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