Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

danireardonDani Reardon is a longtime friend of and we’ve been following her since her High School days when she took home her second straight Ms. Wesley Chapel title for bodybuilding and weight lifting. Her nickname and moniker is “Lil’ Monstar”.

On September 16, 2014 she was arrested for beating up her boyfriend. ? Sources say that she was under the influence of alcohol at the time and her boyfriend refused to press charges against her. ? He may be afraid of another beating if he did press charges, though I’m sure there are those of you who might actually enjoy getting your ass whooped by Dani Reardon. Heck, I’m sure there are actually quite a few of you who would pay good money to get your ass kicked by Dani Reardon.

Well, unfortunately the ass beating in this incident didn’t end with her boyfriend but continued and extended to the officers on the scene. ? While her boyfriend would not press charges, the police did and that’s why she got arrested. ? Beating up your boyfriend is one thing, but beating up police is typically frowned upon and led to her arrest. ? It would seem as if alcohol affects different people in different ways at different times: some get happy, others get sad, and others will beat the shit out of you. ? On ? this occasion, Dani Reardon fell into that third category and there may be other extenuating circumstances that provoked it that we are not privy to.

Click here for Dani Reardon photo gallery and her own words.