Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Anna06Born and raised in Russia, Anna Starodubtseva moved to the United States in 2008 and soon took up bikini competition. Since winning her IFBB Bikini pro card at last year’s Arnold Classic, her star has been on the rise.
Iron Man caught up with the Optimum Nutrition-sponsored beauty when she was in Australia recently for the Australian Fitness and Health Expo.
Hi Anna. Thanks for talking to Australian Iron Man. Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get into bikini competing? Have you always been into fitness?
I have always been an active person. I loved and participated in all kinds of sports in my teens. The older I got, the more I started going to the gym, but with a lack of knowledge in training and nutrition, I couldn’t achieve the physique I’ve dreamed of. Doing cardio for an hour-and-a- half and thinking less is more, I kept my meals to a minimum (at around one or two a day), not understanding why results weren’t knocking at my door. That routine kept on until I discovered weightlifting. As soon as I established a proper diet to go along with my newfound love for weights and heavy lifting days, results finally showed up. Seeing constant progress, I decided to see how I’d stack up in a bikini competition and entered a show. My first show I won my class and Overall; right after, I signed up for five more shows in a three-month period and the rest is, as they say, history. It all started as a hobby, which I managed to turn into a career that I absolutely love.

You turned pro at the Arnold Classic 2013. How has your life changed since then?
Arnold Classic 2013 felt like a fairy tale, I couldn’t believe I was there, let alone had won my class and Overall — I was overwhelmed with emotions. What made it much more satisfying is that my preparation for the show was exhausting and stressful. I remember being in a cab on my way to the airport to leave for the show, telling my boyfriend over the phone that this was going to be my last competition and I was going to give up, but life had other plans for me. Earning that overall title and professional status was life’s reward for everything I put myself through to get ready for that show and after winning, I couldn’t just stop, so once again, I was hooked. I strongly believe in destiny and took that as a sign that I should do my best to make the most out of any opportunity that’s put in front of me. My life changed completely after that event and it changed in the best way possible.
Anna08Take us through your average workout week. Be as detailed as you like.
I usually work out 5–6 days a week. I perform 4–5 weightlifting workouts a week and 4–5 cardio sessions a week depending on my contest prep stage. I always change my workouts according to my current goals. If I am trying to cut down a little, I add some more cardio to my regimen; if I try to gain some lean mass, I cut down my cardio and increase weight lifting, but heavy lifting is always in my regimen. This is the base of my routine. I also like to implement plyometric exercises to my workouts; I believe it is very beneficial, especially for us women.
My split looks something like this:
Day 1: Legs, cardio
Day 2: Cardio in the morning, shoulders later in the day
Day 3: Cardio in the morning
Day 4: Back
Day 5: Plyos, cardio
Day 6: Legs, cardio
Day 7: Rest
What is your favourite exercise to do? Why?
My favourite exercise is probably abductor machine. I have a few variations of using this equipment and it allows me to target my glutes to feel the burn.
What is your least-favourite exercise? Why?
I hate training my shoulders, because it’s one of my weak points. I push myself to the max during every workout, even though sometimes it feels like torture to me, but seeing major improvements over the years motivates me to push harder.
What is your nutrition like? Do you have a specific nutrition strategy?
My diet is pretty simple. I eat 5–6 small meals a day; I include lean protein in each meal. I vary healthy fats and carbs depending on my current goals. If I’m getting ready for a contest, I like to cycle my carbs; usually it’s high-carb day followed by three low-carb days. On my low-carb day I increase my healthy fats intake and I decrease it during my high-carb days. I’ve tried many variations of dieting throughout the years and feel like I found one that works perfectly for me. I am very happy with my current diet plan.
Anna02Is there much difference between your off-season diet and your pre-contest diet?
I try to keep my shape consistent and healthy all year round. It’s not just diet for me — it’s a lifestyle. There are minor tweaks, but all in all they are both very similar.
Do you have a favourite cheat meal?
I love my cheat meals, who doesn’t? Nothing beats a nice, big, juicy burger with fries. I have a few favourite restaurants in New York and almost all of them are burger joints. I try to stay away from sugar, but rarely — every once in a while — I’ll indulge in some nice dessert.
Can you give us a list of your competition achievements so far?
New Jersey State Championship 2012 – 1st place and Overall
Brooklyn Grand Prix 2012 – 1st place
New York Grand Prix 2012 – 4th place
New England Championship 2012 – 5th place
NPC Eastern Show 2012 – 1st place
Arnold Classic Amateur 2013 – 1st place and Overall (Won pro card)
Pittsburgh Pro – 14th place
New York Pro – 13th place
Tampa Pro – 13th place
St. Louis Pro – 16th place
Arnold Classic Bikini International 2014 – 16th place
When can we next see you on stage?
My next competition is the New York Pro; it will take place on May 17, 2014 in New York. I’m very excited to step on that stage again and show my improvements to the judges and the crowd. Last year at this show I came in 13th place.
What would be your advice to someone thinking about competing for the first time?
The most important thing to keep in mind while getting ready for your first contest is that you have to do it for yourself, go in with an open mind and live the experience without any expectations. Ultimately, regardless of your placing, you are already a winner for putting your foot forward and your prize is the body you’ve built. Don’t get discouraged if you didn’t place well, there will always be another contest and plenty of room for improvement.
Tell us about your work with Optimum Nutrition.
I have been sponsored by Optimum Nutrition for almost a year now and I am extremely happy and grateful to be a part of the most respected brand in the industry. Optimum Nutrition treats their athletes like family; I’ve met so many people through ON and look forward to continue working with them for years ahead. It truly is an amazing company to be a part of and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve been taking ON supplements before they sponsored me, so to be approached by a brand you love and believe in is a dream come true. Since I’ve been in the fitness industry, signing with ON has been one of the best things that has happened to me thus far.
What are your favourite supplements?
Amino Energy is number one for me. I take it every morning before my cardio and it gives me much-needed energy along with all essential amino acids. Number two would be Platinum Hydro-Whey. I take this protein in a shake right after my cardio and I love every single flavour they have. It’s a very clean product that I can also include into my prep for contests, which is very helpful and convenient. Aside from those two, I also take Opti-Women on a daily basis. I recommend ON to everyone.
Thanks for chatting to us, Anna. Anything else you’d like to add?
I’d like to thank you for this opportunity. Having recently visited Australia with team ON — I fell in love with this country. It’s very beautiful and unique; I look forward to my trip back here sometime next year.