Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

by Leigh Penman

The thing that really sets female bodybuilders apart from the crowd is that they dare to be different. They challenge society’s pre-conceived image of what a woman should look like and how she should act. Of course, some women in the sport are natural born ‘button pushers’ and no one has her finger on more buttons than the statuesque Amber Deluca.

Click Here for Sneak Preview of Amber’s SheMuscleRaw Galleries

I recently had the chance to catch up with Amber and find out all about her latest project…’The Goddess of Fetish’ website. Now from the title alone you will be able to work out that this is not going to be your average interview…so fasten your seatbelts and let’s begin our journey into the world of Amber Deluca…
So Amber, first of all, just how did all this ‘Goddess of Fetish’ stuff begin?
“Goddess of Fetish evolved over time. My first paid website was developed in 2003,, mostly bikini shots, nudes, bodybuilding stuff, lifts and carries, and some wrestling. A couple years later I decided to take on a more serious persona, Amber Steel. Amber Steel is the dichotomy of feminine, “Amber”, and “Steel”, the hard. A substantial name for a very substantial girl! I wanted to evolve away from just the bodybuilding arena and into a more unique persona. Buffmuff was lot of hardcore girl/girl sex scenes and muscle fetish. Amber Steel is the persona that projects the concept that anything is possible, and that your fantasies can become reality. Then, once Amber Steel was on solid ground, she evolved into the International Goddess of Fetish.”
I like the concept that ‘anything is possible, and that your fantasies can become a reality’. For the new re-vamped ‘Goddess of Fetish’ site, you are claiming to be taking things to a whole new level…care to explain?
“Yes, I am taking it to an entirely new level. There are hardcore BDSM Dominas, there are hardcore bodybuilders, there are girls doing hardcore porn, but there is no one in the industry at the moment that is doing it all. I can do it all. This is the essence of Goddess of Fetish. I fear nothing, and I am open to everything, within reason of course, and context. I must always think in the mindset of “Amber Steel” and what would she do? The answer is “Whatever she wants!” This is entirely against the grain of what a hardcore Domina would do, as in the hardcore BDSM scene/industry, there are rules the Domina and Sub play by. I have no such rules or boundaries, and I make them up as I go. I think rules are boring and I hate conforming. I never have played by anyone’s rules but my own anyway.”
Gotta agree with that last statement too! However, the fact is that there are a lot of female bodybuilders out there entering into the same genre as yourself. How do you set yourself apart?
“I work with a lot of the top female bodybuilders on the erotic muscle scene who own their own websites. The primary difference between my stuff and theirs is that I am an Amazon, and they are not. That is my strength, and is what sets me apart from the rest. Most of the girls I work with are between 5’0 – 5-6 and on the average 140 pounds or at the most 160. I am 5 9 and 215 pounds. Most of the girls in the muscle industry typically do wrestling work, girl/girl erotica, and solo scenes such as posing or masturbation. This is quite typical. While I have done all of that, I also offer hardcore BDSM/fetish scenes with mostly men, and lift and carries with an erotic twist with either men or women. So, I combine what has already been done in our industry along with going a step beyond. My goal is to take it several steps beyond, not only in quality, but delving deeper into fetish and explore more fantasy scenarios.”
So, if you’re about to hit us with an experience that is different in the bodybuilding / muscle-porn niche, how are you going to make it unique?
“It will go far beyond the muscle-porn niche. The whole idea behind Goddess of Fetish is where fantasy meets reality. That is the foundation of my website. So, I may pick a volunteer “victim” that will submit a scenario to me, and I will play it out with him/her on film. I don’t know of anyone that is doing that in our industry right now. Some of my close guides advised me in the past that I should entertain a reality type website, and I slowly but surely bought into the idea. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of willing and able volunteers!”
Since physical power plays such a huge role in the kinds of productions you do, let’s talk about that for a minute. How big are you now? Does your size and physicality help you or hurt you in this industry? We haven’t seen you compete in a few years; do you still train hard and heavy?
“I actually train a lot harder and heavier now than I did when I was competing in bodybuilding. My last show was the Master’s in 2006, and it was then that I realized I wanted to move in a different direction than bodybuilding shows. I am 5 9 and 215 pounds. It is much easier for me to wrestle someone and pin him down if my weight is up. It is also easier for me to perform my lifts and carries while I am bigger as well. I have been focusing on quality training over the past several years, incorporating heavy basic lifts such as deadlifts, rows, squats, bench presses, military presses, power cleans, snatches, and Russian Kettle bell training. Many of these movements are something I would not ordinarily include in a bodybuilding routine. Overall, I feel healthier and stronger. I would say that my height and weight combined with aesthetic is my asset. Moreover, my fans are pleasantly surprised when they meet me because they do not realize how voluptuous and large I am in real life. Many of my early photos on the internet were from my Figure years, when I weighed between 165-180 pounds.”
When you’re setting up a shoot, what do you really look forward to? What really turns you on?
“I enjoy trying new things, and producing things I have never done before. I, too, can get easily bored, and I need a lot of variety. What turns me on the most is fulfilling a fantasy, either for myself, or someone else.”
Who do you prefer working with when it comes to matching your strength and energy level?
“That is always going to be another female bodybuilder. There are no other human beings on earth like female bodybuilders. They have more energy, are generally more sexually aware of themselves, they know what they want, and the energy and spirit of a female bodybuilder is unparalleled.
“The amateur models are nearly always the men. Generally, I work out what type of fantasy scenario they would like to shoot with me. From there, I have to assess their physical and sometimes sexual abilities, depending on the scene. And, although they are amateurs, there can be no surprises, as this is a professional set, so everything has to be agreed upon upfront.”
Is there any part of the industry that is a source of irritation for you?
“I have reached a juncture in my career that nothing really gets under my skin anymore. If I allow this to happen, it is only negative energy that drags me down, and takes away from my production and the essence of Amber Steel. I stay away from negative energy. I think it takes people in general, a long time to train themselves to not become too emotional over things that do not matter. If I find myself slipping into that trap, I try to find a stronghold. There is nothing worse in life than behaving poorly, out of control or angry. It is wasted energy. We must always strive to become emotionally intelligent. I am very turned off by people that lack emotional intelligence, and I generally steer clear of them.”
So how far do you intend to take all this and where do you set your limits on what you will and will not do?
“That’s a great question, because I cannot possibly answer where this is all going for me. I know where I am now at this very moment in time, but I cannot predict where I will be. If you had asked me this question six years ago, I most certainly would not have been able to predict what I am doing today. All I really do know is that there are no limits to the Steel Universe. I will judge where I won’t go based on how I feel at that moment in time. Nothing is totally out. If I stated what is “out” right now, I could eat my words. And, I have done that quite a few times in life, and it does not lend itself to consistent behavior.”
You are currently in the process of re-vamping your website what can we expect to see once it is fully up and running?
“I am excited about the revamp of the website. I totally redesigned it with a good friend of mine, and it will have many elements. It will have a few ways to interact with me, and options to partake in the Steel Universe experience on many levels. It truly is going to be a beautiful piece of art when it is done. This is the first time I have put so much energy and time into the site. I think the timing is right, as well, because before, I really was not ready to present a site with such magnitude and depth. I am expecting it to be launched sometime in November.
“The entire journey into the Steel Universe has far exceeded my expectations. But, I am learning to not set expectations for myself any longer, and just live life to the fullest.”

Leigh Penman

Check out Amber’s private photo’s for yourself at

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