Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

5’3″ tall 138lbs with 9 % bodyfat.
I am a 29year old wife of Antonio Holmes and mother of two girls: Akelishana (8) and Aaliyah (4). I started working out after the birth of my second daughter. During the second pregnancy I had gained a whopping 75 pounds and in my 9th month weighed an uncomfortable 200 pounds. After a couple of week’s home from the hospital the family decided to go out. I proceeded to get dressed for the occasion. And came to the harsh realization that I could not fit, not one of my pre-pregnancy outfits. I had to wear one of my husband’s shirts and a pair of my pregnancy pants. I instantly became depressed. I was not accustomed to being this size and I was not ready to buy a whole new wardrobe either! So with determination and the will to lose weight, I started going to the gym and running for an hour at a time, 5 days a week. The weight was coming off and I had got down to 150 pounds when I had reached a plateau. I started reading various fitness magazines and learned that, with a proper weight-training program supplemented with my cardio sessions that I could lose weight. So I started my new regimen and within a month I noticed a difference in my physique. Not only had broken my plateau, but also my body actually started to look toned. I continued my program and continued to see results, when one day I was approached by a personal trainer name Bruce Short.
He had tried to convince me on more than one occasion that I should try out bodybuilding. I of course was under the assumption that bodybuilding meant to have big muscles and have physiques that looked like men. But I had noticed that one of my husband’s co-workers was training with Bruce to become a bodybuilder and she didn’t look manly at all. I figured if she could do it, I could do it too! So from there we began training together. After a few months, my partner had come into other things that took her from the gym. So it was just left with Bruce and I to train for an upcoming competition. And after a few months I started training on my own. I started reading a lot about bodybuilding and asked a lot of questions on what I needed to do to get into contest shape. With that I entered my first competition in Roanoke, VA (NGA) November of 2000. I was in the Novice category. I did not place in that competition but I learned a lot from that experience and it made me determined to do better in my next event.
In 2001 I entered six competitions:
Philadelphia Classic (NPC) 2nd place Middle Weight
Annapolis BB Championship (NGA) 4th Place Middle Weight
East Coast Tournament of Championship (NPC) 4th Place Middle Weight
Andrews Airforce First Annual BB Classic (NPC) 1st place Middle Weight and Overall
Potomac Cup BB Championship (NGA) 1st place Heavy Weight
National All Armed Forces BB Championships (NPC) 1st place Middle Weight
With the last two events qualifying me for National competitions. I am currently preparing myself for this season. And want to enter two National events in September and November. I want to become a Professional Natural Bodybuilder and hope with my hard work, and dedication to the sport I will be able to fulfill my goal.