Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

The video below exhibits one of the most callous acts I have ever seen. Ryan and Tamisha Moats were on their way to the hospital this month as Tamisha’s mother was dying of breast cancer. Ryan was driving, had hazard lights on and at the hospital turn he ran the red light [slowly with no traffic around] as for obvious reasons the couple was in a rush.
A police officer pulled them over and pulled his gun on them in the hospital parking lot. The couple explained that Tamisha’s 45 year old mother literally had minutes left to live. The police officer showed no sympathy to this situation. Tamisha ignored the policeman and ran into the hospital.
The police officer proceeded to hold Ryan for about 20 minutes, telling him to “shut up” multiple times as well, and that his “attitude” sucks. Despite hospital staff coming out three separate times to explain the urgency of the situation, and even another police officer asking the officer to let him go onto the hospital to say goodbye – the officer refused and by time he released Ryan – it was too late.
Unfortunate for the police officer, Ryan Moats is an NFL player [something which even the police says he never brought up not asked for special treatment] so this has attracted attention.
The police officer is now suspended, and in my opinion needs to be fired ASAP. This is one of the clearest examples of “power tripping” I have ever heard of – to hold someone in a parking lot and deny then from going inside to say goodbye to a dying relative for 20 mins.

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