Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, former Ironman model, former Reebok model, former trainer, former aerobics instructor and current magazine publisher and inspirational speaker/writer, Ali Brown, shares her 7 tips she learned in the fitness arena that she still uses today to succeed in business.

She still belongs to the most famous Gold’s Gym in the world, Gold’s Gym at Venice Beach, California. She is an inspiration to us here at, and we know you will appreciate this for both: your fitness routine and your business routine.

1. Hang around those you want to be like.
Fitness pros from all over the area come to the Venice Gold’s because it’s the home of bodybuilding. I knew a few bodybuilders who drove almost an hour each way just to work out there. Sure, they could have exercised at their neighborhood health clubs, but instead they made the trip to their Mecca every day through the mess of Los Angeles traffic.
Why? They know that when you hang around people who are doing what you want to do, you automatically have a much greater chance of success. The furious energy at Gold’s is undeniable as soon as you walk in the door. You’re surrounded by world-class competitors, gold medalists, and celebrities. It’s not only motivating and inspiring, but there’s a wealth of knowledge surrounding you as well.
It’s said you become the average of the five people you are around the most. Who are YOU hanging around? (Think about it.)
2. Consistency is the key for long-term success.
Fitness pros know that a body is built over a long term. And even if they take some time off, they’ll bounce back quickly because of all the training they’ve done over the years. It’s called “muscle memory”—your body remembers your shape and snaps back into place once you get back in the game.
In the same way, our clients and customers have “marketing memory.” That is, as long as we’re in front of them on a regular basis, they’ll remember who we are—even if we take a break. (Just don’t take too long of a break, or they will forget about you fast!)
It’s about consistent persistence. Never giving up, and always keeping at it.

3. Ups and downs are a part of the process.
Fitness pros know that success comes in cycles. They can’t be 100% on all the time. In fact, it’s physically damaging for them to be working at full force more than a few times every year. They know their limits, and they push them, but they don’t break them.
Business has cycles and seasons as well. And so do economies. It’s a proven pattern throughout the ages and in all our world’s history. So embrace it. And know if you’re having a winter, your spring is around the corner.
4. Hard work is part of the game.
Fitness pros don’t wake up and say, “I don’t feel like working out today.” They just do it. It becomes part of their schedule, part of their life. And that ensures their success.
How many of us secretly wish our success would be handed to us on a silver platter? I’m all about attracting success on whatever level we can, but let’s realize there is work involved. It’s attraction plus ACTION. I teach entrepreneurs I coach to make the hard work as enjoyable as possible by making it as fun as possible. A simple example: One of my clients had to return 20 important phone calls that she’d been putting off. I suggested she make her calls from the beach since she lived nearby. She loved the idea, and the change of environment alone made this previously unpalatable task more pleasant.
5. Model others who are already doing what you want to do.
Fitness pros don’t try to invent their own training programs from scratch. They look at what the top competitors are doing, and they do the same thing. From weights to cardio to diet, they’ve got it down to a precise formula.
Don’t reinvent the wheel when there are others who are already racing along. Find other business models that are similar you want to do, and look at what’s working. Don’t copy what they are doing exactly, but see how you can incorporate those proven pieces into your plan while maintaining your unique edge.
6. Hire a mentor, coach, or consultant for faster results.
I don’t know of any champion who got to where they are alone. Every fitness competitor hires a trainer or coach who has been there before and can walk them through every step of the way. Does this cost them a lot of money? You bet. But they don’t look at what it costs. They look at what it’s WORTH. They’re fast-forwarding their success, and that is priceless.
I know many entrepreneurs who have wasted thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing, programs, and training that got them nowhere or pointed them in the wrong direction. Don’t make that mistake. I’ve been there! Stop struggling and invest in someone—a mentor, coach, or consultant—to show you how to build your business right the first time.
7. Show off what you’ve got!
You can be sure the fitness pros here in L.A. aren’t meek about their successes when they are in the gym. They show off their hard work with outfits that emphasize their assets. (Oh, the costumes I’ve seen…)
Even if you don’t have it all (yet), show off what you DO have. What are your product or service’s best assets? Strut your best stuff and toot your own horn. You’re doing the world a disservice if you don’t let us all know what you and your business can offer.
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