Oxford Comma, Vampire Weekend
The serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma or Harvard comma) is the comma used immediately before a grammatical conjunction (nearly always and or or; sometimes nor) that precedes…
Coreografía de Rosula Rocha Solla
Coreografía de Rósula Rocha Solla en el Campeonato gallego de fisico culturismo y fitness AEF 2008, celebrado el día 8 de junio de 2008 en el Auditorio de Narón (A…
Red Ninja Transformation
Red Ninja is a youtube user who is recording her progress as she transforms into a fit woman. Also check out her biceps video.
Gina Carano Defeats Caitlin Young on CBS
NEWARK, N.J., May 30, 2008-- There's only so many ways to ask the same question:
Susana on Bodyrock.tv
I guess it is the Russian accent. Here is a new fitness videoblog started this month at Bodyrock.tv. This video titled "Susana plays around with her core." Cute.
How to apply a kimura to your boyfriend or girlfriend
This is actually an excellent instruction video demonstrated by Christie Philips, a second-degree black belt in karate and three-time world champion in grappling at the IMAC World Championships in Las…
Shoulder Press Dumbbell on PhysioBall
start first 7 reps with elbows out....last 3 elbows in
Suzanna Sanchez Weighs 97 pounds Lifts 245 pounds
This is a lift to weight ratio of 2.5257. A nice video report from Fox Tv Houston.
A Yen for Asian Female Muscle.
From the youtuber: