Boxing Day? No It's FLEXING Day
In the spirit of this wonderful holiday season, from all the FemaleMuscle staff, I wish you and your loved ones hope, peace and happiness.
From the Female Muscle family to you and yours, we wish you a happy, safe, and very enjoyable holiday season
Women's grappling has not just evolved but is becoming widely recognized and respected. We at FemaleMuscle wanted to bring you some galleries of these amazing women, to showcase their talent…
Some of Lori's favorites....enjoy!
Eva Andressa Vieira? was born in Curitiba, Parana State. She was one of the best representatives from Brazil for bodybuilding. Eva began her bodybuilding career when she was 17 years…
Some guys are leg men, and some are into butts. The guys I like most of all are the ones that love big, biceps. Why? Because I love to flex…
I was born May 19th 1980, and grew up in a quite small place, on the west coast of Norway. My great interest in and passion for fitness and training…
Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Travels from the FemaleMuscle Staff!
For everyone that tells me that they are giving up turkey this thanksgiving I will do 25 pushups and personally I will send you the video.