Brazilian Bombshell – Cinara Polido
Photos courtesy of Marcello Dezallez
Photos courtesy of Marcello Dezallez
Watch Los Angeles Personal Trainer Marisa Inda, owner of BodyStrut do her Pull-Up dance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. Think you can hang with Marisa Inda?
A Sugar Land-area (Galveston, TX) personal trainer is getting attention for her flabs-to-abs story of fitness.
Photos courtesy of Marcello Dezallez
By Elizabeth Narins
Fantasy Muscle: Muscle Morphs
Photos courtesy of Marcello Dezallez
We've all seen the Geico commercials with the camel......."Guess what day it is...."
Photos courtesy of Marcello Dezallez
As I sit here, reflecting back on where FemaleMuscle has been and what lies ahead, it's hard not to think about all those strong, powerful women we have featured and…