Playboy: German Olympic Athletes
Four German Olympic athletes are featured in the September 2008 issue of the German issue of Playboy; hockey player Katharina Scholz, sailor Petra Niemann, canoeist Nicole Reinhardt and Romy Tarangul…
Four German Olympic athletes are featured in the September 2008 issue of the German issue of Playboy; hockey player Katharina Scholz, sailor Petra Niemann, canoeist Nicole Reinhardt and Romy Tarangul…
From the Ukraine, Valentina Chepiga has won the two most prestigious shows in professional bodybuilding; the Arnold Classic and Olympia. You can read an older femalemuscle interview with Valentina here…
Nude gyms USA
A former Fitness America champion, Tina Rigdon is now retired fitness competitor. She is known for one outstanding bodypart, take a guess what that may be..
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The North American Bodybuilding & Figure Championships is coming up this weekend. Held in Cleveland Ohio, this contest attracts the best of the best from across North America.
Excuse me for bringing up matters years old, am I the only one that recalls when actress Jada Pinkett-Smith gave an interview about her bench pressing?
This years Olympics had the most countries represented ever – just over 200. Shemuscle hasn’t quite gotten that many, but does features models from all over the world to add…
So the Olympics are over, and who won anyway? Seems no set way to judge that - China had the most golds and the USA the most overall.
Born in New Jersey in 1973, Elena Seiple participated in a host of sports prior to becoming an avid bodybuilder. A top level NPC bodybuilder, she is the perennial and…