Ronda Rousey Qualfies for U.S. Olympic Judo Team
Rousey won all three of her matches by ippon, throwing Natalie Laursen (Livermore, Calif. / Northern California Elite Team) in the first round and pinning Jennifer Tutass (El Cerrito, Calif.…
Rousey won all three of her matches by ippon, throwing Natalie Laursen (Livermore, Calif. / Northern California Elite Team) in the first round and pinning Jennifer Tutass (El Cerrito, Calif.…
Sabato 29 Marzo, a Forlì nella villa Romiti si affrontano sul ring due campionesse italiane di pugilato: Simona Galassi e Stefania Bianchini.
Duration: 10:09Recorded: 17 July 2007Location: France
What do you think of ju jitsu in female wrestling? (here are poll results from as of this afternoon
April 2008, complete photos HERE
NEWARK, N.J., May 30, 2008-- There's only so many ways to ask the same question:
This is actually an excellent instruction video demonstrated by Christie Philips, a second-degree black belt in karate and three-time world champion in grappling at the IMAC World Championships in Las…
Source NYDaily News 2008
"Stephanie Finochio (born December 1, 1971) is an Italian American stuntwoman and professional wrestler/valet better known by her ring name Trinity. She is best known for her work in Total…