Women's Boxing in Black & White
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The fireworks are from the closing ceremonies of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
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Sometimes you just feel like sliding down a sand dune on your ass.
Click image for gallery Congratulations to Jen Hendershott, the winner of the Ms. Olympia Fitness title this year!Photography by Vincent Roberts. Vincent Roberts is a photographer from Bermuda. He would…
Click image for gallery Photography by Vincent Roberts. Vincent Roberts is a photographer from Bermuda. He would like to thank Lori Braun and Lauren Powers for all their help and…
Click image for gallery Featuring Ms. Olympia 2005, Yaxeni Oriquen. Plus Iris Kyle, Dayana Cadeau, Jitka Harazimova, Brenda Raganot, Bonny Priest, Betty Viana, Betty Pariso, Rosemary Jennings, Antoinette Norman, Mah-Ann…
A letter from Nancy Georges:
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Click image for gallery Carlsbad Caverns National Park was established to preserve Carlsbad Cavern and numerous other caves within the Guadalupe Mountains—a Permian-age fossil reef. The park contains over 100…